August 20th 2018

OAEC I.T. Association

Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to order

Don Pak called to order the regular meeting of the OAEC I.T. Association at 11:03am on 08/20/2018 on conference call.

  1. Roll call

Don Pak conducted a roll call. The following persons were present:

8/20/2018 Name Coop Attended Conference Call
1 Brandon Wingfield Southeastern no
2 Brenda Merkle TCEC yes
3 Casey Davis OEC yes
4 Chandler Lingle Southwest Rural yes
5 Curt Cloyd Northwestern no
6 David Rittenhouse Lake Region no
7 Don Lawrence Indian no
8 Don Pak East Central yes
9 Eric Neill Rural yes
10 Greg McComber Cotton yes
11 Shannon Veerkamp Kiamichi yes
12 Sid Sperry OAEC no
13 Stephanie Jones Cimarron no


  • Approval of minutes from last meeting

Don Pak read the minutes from the last meeting. The minutes were approved as read.

  1. Open issues
    1. Registration open and 15 attendees registered as of today.
    2. NISC said they will probably have someone there
    3. Square payments have been setup and are now transferring to the bank account.
  2. New business
    1. Brenda requested information for announcing speakers and vendors
    2. Find out if OAEC has tables for the vendors
    3. Catering with Charleston and Mexican food from somewhere to be setup after registration closes
    4. Registration to be closed on September 7th.
    5. Voice and Data/Mitel sponsoring a lunch for up to $1500.00
    6. Skyhelm sponsoring a lunch for up to $1500.00
    7. Have had 8 $100.00 donations so far.
    8. Decided bagels and donuts in the AM. Casey stated he would pick this up.
    9. All that will be at statewide on the 19th a trip to Sam’s to pick up snacks and drinks
    10. A motion to purchase pad folios from promotions now to give to attendee’s. At a cost of $17.29 each for 50. Was approved with a unanimous vote by all present.
    11. A motion to get a debit card for Casey was approved with a unanimous vote of all present.
    12. Casey to provide a list of attendees after the close of registration to Don for Sid at OAEC to print badges.
    13. Brenda requested envelopes with information of them as to who provided the gift.
    14. Signs for the table as to who sponsored lunch. Eric offered to print all signs needed.
    15. Current balance of bank account $18059.54 all transfers from Square included.
    16. Greg and Don proposed a list for each Coop that might want to participate in offering the applications they use. In this way the if a coop has a question or needs help they can go to this list and contact.
    17. Next meeting in 3wks on 09/10/18 at 11:00am.
  3. Adjournment

Don Pak adjourned the meeting at 11:32am.

Minutes submitted by:  Shannon Veerkamp

Minutes approved by:  Name